Best Places to Study at Iowa State

7:55 PM

Finals week is officially here! Day one is over (hopefully, unless you have a night final tonight - good luck, then). How are you all keeping up? I can say that I am beat down and ready to go home and sleep my break away. But alas, finals is not over for me and for plenty other students. I realized that I probably should have posted this post about a week ago during Dead Week, but it's better late than never, right? Here are some of the best places to study on campus or near campus when you attend Iowa State!

1. The Library (duh!)

This one is pretty common, as it's a library and libraries are the best place to buckle down and get your head in your books. (Please don't do this literally, as you will most likely fall asleep and defeat the entire purpose of you going to the library.) Park's Library is great to study as there are a bunch of space to study, whether you want a private room, a concealed space, or a large area for a group study session. The only downfall is that everyone is literally thinking the same way as you and like to study in the library, especially during Dead Week. 

2. The Multicultural Center

I love going to the MCC in Memorial Union! It is literally the best place to study because it's rather quiet, there are private cubicles as well as open spaces and rooms to study in. And no, you do not have to be a multicultural student to go there and study. Everyone is welcome!

3. Cafe Diem (Main Street)

This is a cute little cafe that I recently found with a friend. It is literally the most adorable place you might ever go. The decor is cozy; there is free WiFi; and the lattes are amazing! (I am drinking an Eggnog Gingerbread Latte right now. Yum!) It's standard size for a cafe, and it's a semi-popular place, but you most likely will find a spot to study. The later it gets, though, the more crowded it can be.

4. Your Dorm ('s lounge or Mezz)

I like the convenience of study in Larch's lounge. I can literally not change out of my pajamas, yet still get the heck out of my room for the day. 

5. MWL Commons

Can you say food an study sesh? You literally have Season's downstairs (and East Side Market), so if you ever need a break or to grab some food, it's extremely convenient. During Dead Week and Finals' Week, it tends to get pretty crowded the later it gets in the day, so be prepared to have to spread out on the floor (if you don't mind). 

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