Why You Should Choose Iowa State

10:00 AM

There are over 4,000 colleges and universities that a student can choose to attend in the United States. Some are two-year institutions; others are 4-years; there are also public and private institutions to choose from. I happen to attend Iowa State University, a public 4-year institution in Ames, Iowa. Iowa State was not my first choice; it was my second. But if you were to ask me whether I regret choosing ISU (because I did get accepted into my first choice, which was the University of Central Florida), I would say no with no hesitation. I chose my adventure.

1. Majors Galore

When I originally began to look at colleges, I chose Iowa State because of the vast amount of majors and minors available to study. Anybody who knows me (and maybe even those who don't) knows that I am super indecisive. This means that whatever university I ever considered attending needed to give me options as far as what I could study; a few majors that I considered once upon a time include the following: veterinary medicine, graphic design, interior design, architecture, journalism, and criminal justice. Iowa State provides all of the above, plus more. After all, I am currently double majoring in Event and Hospitality Management and considering minoring in Public Relations.

2. Campus Clubs & Student Organizations

Another reason why I ultimately chose Iowa State is the amount of extracurricular activities, clubs and organizations available for me to become involved in. I was not a super involved person in high school, but I knew that I wanted to be once I attended university. Even if I ended up not participating in anything, I wanted it to be because I chose not to - not because I didn't have the chance to. I am a member of the general assembly for the Black Student Alliance, Society for the Advancement of Gender Equity, Womyn of Colour Network, Connect 4, and the Historian for the Freshmen Action Team (umbrella-ed under BSA). I tried out Develop, which is a photo club, and a couple of other clubs; however, my schedule doesn't really permit me to participate in so many.

3. The Campus is Beautiful

Iowa State University's campus is breathtaking. It was actually named the fifth most beautiful campus by Buzzfeed in 2015. Every campus tour that I went on was rainy. RAINY. Yet I still fell in love with the school. Now that I am a student, I have had the opportunity to see the campus in rain and shine (no snow, yet!), and I still cannot believe that my campus is so gorgeous. There are little pathways that boast the beauty of the campus; the architecture makes my heart happy.

4. Iowa Charm

Lastly, the students, faculty, and staff are friendly! I've been told before that what people consider southern charm is how Iowa really is. I am not surprised. While not everyone might be super open, and some may be downright rude, but the majority will make you glad that you chose ISU. 

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