I'm Alive and Doing Well at ISU
11:42 AM- I have joined an infinite amount of clubs and organizations already, despite our ClubFest not having occurred yet. It was technically supposed to be today, but because of an incoming storm, it was pushed back until tomorrow. Some clubs that I have joined are National Society of Minorities in Hospitality (NSMH), a photography club, DUB-H (a hip-hop dance team), Black Student Alliance (BSA), Event Management Club, the Ballroom and Swing dance team, and the book club. There are probably a lot more that I am forgetting about, but I am too lazy to track them down to figure out what the are.
- I won't be staying in all of the aforementioned clubs! I just want to check out what each one is about and see which ones I really enjoy. I am definitely staying in the Black Student Alliance; however, because it is awesome. Even the initial meeting made me feel like that club is going to be very inclusive and fun.
- I am actually a co-founder of a soon-to-be dance team at Iowa State called C-Nettes. It is an all-girls dance/majorette team that encourages body positivity, team endurance, and sisterhood. I'll update you guys on what's happening there! (I am still deciding whether I am going to continue pursuing it because of how I am seeing it's turning out. Meh.)
- I attended the George Washington Carver retreat (for my scholarship), which was boring but helpful in meeting new people. I will be attending the Womyn of Colour retreat next weekend. It will be held in Ogden, Iowa.
- Next Sunday, I am going to Omaha, Nebraska with some friends to visit the zoo! Apparently, the zoo is one of the best in America (top 5?).
- I have met some really nice friends. I have no idea why I was so concerned about meeting friends, but it was not that hard. All you have to do is be yourself and be open to meeting new people. Be random. Put yourself out there. I'll write an entire post about this later.
- I toured Jack Trice Stadium the first week that I was on campus. My Destination Iowa group and I volunteered to pick up trash around the stadium, and then afterward, we were able to tour the inside (and write thank you letters to the Athletics). It was cool. I find it pretty humorous that I have tour two football stadiums already, despite the fact that I am not an avid football fan. Hah!
- My classes are going well. I pretty much enjoy them all; however, math will forever be my worst subject, but I'll get through it. (Optimism is key, no?)
I would like to note that I am writing this little (albeit long) post during an unexpected break in my schedule. Apparently, my AESHM 113E class was not scheduled for today because the other sections didn't have it on Monday, Labor Day. Soooo, some other people and I showed up in class, and we would've been oblivious for a while unless my friend came in and told us. It was really funny. That shows that we definitely need to read our syllabi more. #collegelessons
Anyway, I said all of that to say that I doubt that I am going to have a set blogging schedule. My days are so unpredictable and my friends and I enjoy being super spontaneous. I'll post whenever I get the urge and chance to. That may be five times a week or three or maybe one or maybe one time a month. I don't know. But I just thought I'd let you guys know!
Have a good rest of the week. :)